Here we are, you made it! First of all I want to say thank you everyone for sticking with my blog, reading my content this year and really making me feel like it’s worthwhile to write. I write because I love the industry but it would be a lot harder to do so without the hits so here’s a big thank you to all of you. As a special insight I’m gonna take this moment to announce that I have been taken on board by a business partner to start up a new video games website in 2012 – the project looks very exciting and I have a bunch of skilled and committed individuals ready to make this a huge success with me, so stay tuned for more information regarding the matter.
Tangent aside, Uncharted 3 Drake’s Deception! You got all the way to number 1 and I’m hoping you will all agree that Naughty Dog’s third instalment in their Uncharted series is simply incredible. Never have I played a more engaging action-adventure title, never has a set of characters appealed to me so and never have I been on the edge of my seat as much as when I was playing Uncharted 3. This is a marvel in video gaming and the industry is lucky to have a game this incredible available in the catalogue.

The gameplay isn’t too shabby either – a particular website actually gave Drake’s Deception third-person shooter of the year (lol), but the point is, many games try and capture various gaming genres under their umbrellas and the result is an average experience in all departments. Drake’s Deception is an epitome of action adventure, coupled beautifully with clever puzzles and heated gun-play. The terrific online multiplayer clearly shows that the game can be considered a third-person shooter, even though that’s not Drake’s Deceptions primary focus. There’s so much depth and gameplay incorporation here and it’s difficult not to admire the technical proficiency behind Naughty Dog’s masterpiece.

Favourite things about Uncharted 3 Drake’s Deception:
Drake and the entire cast are so engaging that it’s incredibly easy to fall in love with all of them.
A beautiful story directs Drake’s Deception.
Thrilling set pieces are scattered all over a fine-tuned and terrifically paced game.
Uncharted 3 covers adventure, third-person shooting and puzzle gameplay, all in spending fashion.
The most beautiful graphics a console has seen this year.
Most annoying things about Uncharted 3 Drake’s Deception:
Thanks once again for reading my blog this year; it really means the absolute world to me. I hope you enjoyed my list of 2011’s best games and stay tuned for more content in the New Year.
As always check me out on Twitter @ss4Igor
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